搜索 解放軍報(bào)

Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Lebanon provides free clinic service


來(lái)源:China Military Online 責(zé)任編輯:Chen Zhuo
2024-08-22 17:44:32

BEIJING, Aug. 22 -- At the request of the civil affairs department of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Sector East headquarters and the local government, the 22nd Chinese Peacekeeping Level-1+ Hospital to UNIFIL dispatched medical personnel to the Mercy Clinic in Saqi Village in the southern border area of Lebanon and provided free clinic service there, effectively mitigating the local people's difficulty in seeking medical service.

北京8月22日電 應(yīng)聯(lián)黎東區(qū)司令部民事部門和當(dāng)?shù)卣恼?qǐng)求,中國(guó)第22批赴黎維和醫(yī)療分隊(duì)派出醫(yī)護(hù)人員赴黎巴嫩南部邊境地區(qū)塞吉村圣慈診所開展義診活動(dòng),有效緩解了當(dāng)?shù)孛癖娍床‰y問(wèn)題。

Since its deployment in December last year, the Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent has treated more than 1,900 patients in total.

